Company establishment consulting services in
You are about to start your own company but have difficulty and have no experience with the initial procedures. The full-service company establishment consulting service at will help you do it quickly, easily with the most reasonable cost.
You can contact via Hotline / Zalo: 076 338 7788 for a free consultation.
Experience in choosing a prestigious company establishment consulting service Currently, on the market there are many companies providing consulting services to set up a company. However, to choose a reputable unit is not easy. Customers always prioritize choosing the cheap price but forget that quality always goes hand in hand with price. Therefore, even though they have been consulted, businesses still face many difficulties and problems when performing business establishment procedures for the first time. Understanding the anxiety of customers and always taking quality as the business mission, is a full-service provider of establishing a prestigious company in Vietnam. We always offer the best solutions with the most reasonable prices for businesses. team of experienced lawyers are ready to assist clients before and after completing the company establishment procedure.
Company establishment service
What is’s consulting service to set up a package company?
Choose the type of business enterprise
With experience consulting for many businesses in Vietnam, we always give the most useful advice to customers. Depending on the characteristics of each industry, will help you choose the form of joint stock company, limited company, one member limited company,….
Consult legal information
Choosing the consulting service to establish a company of, customers will be supported with the legal information:
+ Naming the business name, choosing the company name: Each business, trademark, after registering for trademark protection, will have a unique name. Therefore, if you do not choose the right name, it will lead to a copyright dispute or not suitable for the business model of the business. experienced team of lawyers will advise clients with the most valuable information.
+ Choose business locations: Each business model will be suitable for different locations. With a wide vision and rich practical consulting experience, we will help you choose the most suitable location.
+ Building business operation apparatus: For newly established companies, building operational apparatus is an extremely difficult and difficult problem.
+ Provisions on the company’s operating charter: Each enterprise has its own specific business, the owner of the business needs to carefully consider the operating regulations in accordance with the current situation and business model of the business. With the initial establishment consulting experience for many large and small companies, we will help you make the most reasonable terms.
open a company
Enterprise establishment profile include what?
– Application for Enterprise Registration.
Draft charter of the enterprise;
– List of members, for two-member limited liability companies, founding shareholders, for joint-stock companies;
– A valid copy of one of the authenticated papers:
– For individuals: Valid ID card or passport or Passport in force for individuals;
– For organizations: Enterprise registration certificate, for organizations and attached with personal identification papers, authorization decision of the authorized representative of the organization;
– Capital contribution decision for company members, institutional shareholders of the company;
– Other documents in special cases ( will advise customers to prepare in accordance with the law);
– Legal service provision contract (Authorization contract) to authorize to perform business establishment services.
Legal consulting service after establishing a business
The outstanding value of provided to customers is that in addition to consulting services on company establishment, we also provide legal advice to businesses after establishment.
– Provide consulting lawyers: for newly established companies that often encounter many legal problems, will accompany businesses to solve any arising problems.
– Providing trademark protection services: After being in operation for a while, trademark registration is an essential and indispensable job of each business to ensure no disputes over trademarks or trademarks. affect business operations.
– Providing a lawyer to resolve disputes: when the company has a dispute with related parties, lawyers will be ready to resolve and ensure the interests of the business. consulting services for company establishment will provide customers with fast, efficient and cost-effective procedures for establishment. You can contact via Hotline / Zalo: 076 338 7788 for a free consultation.